Antoine d'Abbadie-ren bizitzaz (1810-1897)DAVANT, Jean-Louis (1998) Antoine d'Abbadie-ren bizitzaz (1810-1897). Inx: Antoine d'Abbadie 1897-1997: Congrés International = Ezhoiko kongresua. Eusko Ikaskuntza Euskaltzaindia, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 3-13. ISBN 84-89516-71-5
Official URL: AbstractHe was born in Dublin, where he spent his childhood. His mother was also from Dublin, and his father was born in Ürrüstoi. He spent his youth in Toulouse, Paris and Audaux and he used to go to Ürrüstoi from time to time. He was anadvantaged law, science and languages student. His stay in Ethiopia, accompanied by his younger brother Arnault, in search for all types of knowledge, lasted a dozen years. He lived mainly in Lapurdi. He set up residence in Urrugne, where he had his castle "Abbadia" built within the municipality of Hendaye. He was the organiser of the Basque Festivities ("Euskal Jaiak"). He was elected member of the "Académie des Sciences", and was later proclaimed its President. He married, but he died without children. He was also elected mayor of Hendaye. He is buried in the chapel of the castle, together with his wife.
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