Representación escultórica de perros molosos en el Palacio de Ayete (San Sebastián)TORRES PÉREZ, José María (2005) Representación escultórica de perros molosos en el Palacio de Ayete (San Sebastián). Ondare. Cuadernos de Artes Plásticas y Monumentales (24). pp. 197-203. ISSN 1137-4403
Official URL: AbstractAmong the sculptures of the Galleria degli Uffizi, two representations of Molossian dogs are kept (3rdcentury). Sebastiano di Re is the author of two engravings (1558) of Molossian dogs discovered at an archaelogical excavation near the Tiber. At the Ayete Palace (1878), at each side of the short front steps, two sculptures of Molossian dogs are seen, identical in figure to those of the Uffizi or of the di Re'engravings or drawings made from the original or replicas of Roman Molossi.s engravings, In all probability, the Ayetes artist used as his model the
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