La consagración de los obispos. Báculos y bastones: nobles piezas artísticas del siglo XX en VitoriaMARTÍN VAQUERO, Rosa (2006) La consagración de los obispos. Báculos y bastones: nobles piezas artísticas del siglo XX en Vitoria. Inx: Revisión del Arte Vasco entre 1939-1975 = 1939-1975 bitarteko Euskal Artearen Berrikusketa = Revision de l'Art Basque entre 1939 et 1975. Ondare. Cuadernos de Artes Plásticas y Monumentales (25). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 337-353. ISBN 84-8419-880-4
Official URL: AbstractIn this work we study the consecration of bishops, one of the Sacred aspects of the Catholic religious doctrine, in relation with the symbols that are given to bishops during their consecration ceremony. At the same time, important pieces of art are examined -baculi and walking sticks-, liturgical objects in accordance with the authority that is best owed on them.
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