El arte vasco se cristianizaPLAZAOLA ARTOLA, Juan (2001) El arte vasco se cristianiza. Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos = Nazioarteko Eusko Ikaskuntzen Aldizkaria = Revue Internationale des Etudes Basques (46). pp. 61-104. ISSN 0212-7016
Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/8552 AbstractThe author approaches the topic of the Christianisation of Vasconia and the different opinions of historians reference to the dating of the introduction of the Christian religion in the Country. He reviews the most important works preserved from those "obscure centuries": the works that are influenced by the Carolingian art, those which show Muslim and Mozarabic influences or reminiscences of Wisigothic art or Asturleon art or, Pre-romanic art, in any event. Finally a study is made of the miniatures and of the Saints.
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