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Le svastika courbé et autres motifs virguloïdes dans l'art populaire basque

VEYRIN, Philippe (2003) Le svastika courbé et autres motifs virguloïdes dans l'art populaire basque. Inx: VIIème Congres d'Etudes Basques = Eusko Ikaskuntzaren VII. Kongresua = VII Congreso de Estudios Vascos (7º.1948.Biarritz). Congresos de Estudios Vascos (7). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 883-891. ISBN 84-8419-917-7

[img]Le svastika courbé et autres motifs virguloïdes dans l'art populaire basque - Requires a PDF viewer such as GSview, Xpdf or Adobe Acrobat Reader

Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/6932


As the starting in his motion, Philippe Veyrin bases himself on the article by Adolphe Riff on the curved swastika in Alsacian popular, a decorative motif that has another area of dissemination in the Basque provinces.The basic drawing of this motif presents the form of a gross comma, the result of a division in two equal parts of a circle by a sinusoid curve.

Item Type:Book Section
Additional Information: Tomo II (ISBN 84-8419-916-9) Jean-Claude Larronde ed. lit. Section XIV. Arts
Uncontrolled Keywords:Arte
Subjects:Sciences of Arts and Letters > Fine arts theory, analysis and criticism
ID Code:3024
Deposited On:03 Oct 2008 16:38
Last Modified:03 Oct 2008 19:24

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