La hipótesis de la Atlántida y el origen vascoCRUZALEGUI, Juan León (2003) La hipótesis de la Atlántida y el origen vasco. Inx: VIIème Congres d'Etudes Basques = Eusko Ikaskuntzaren VII. Kongresua = VII Congreso de Estudios Vascos (7º.1948.Biarritz). Congresos de Estudios Vascos (7). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 135-139. ISBN 84-8419-917-7
Official URL: AbstractJuan Leoó Cruzalegui evokes the mystery of Atlantis, the island that, according to Plato, was devoured by the ocean. Several hypotheses are envisaged in which mention is made to the Egyptians, the Mexicans, the Australians and the Americans. The Atlantid origin of the Basques is more than doubtful. There still remains much to be known about the migrant movements of primitive peoples.
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