La antropología de la pesca, campo y oportunidades para la investigación antropológica: perspectivas desde el formalismo, sustantivismo y materialismoRUBIO ARDANAZ, Juan Antonio (2003) La antropología de la pesca, campo y oportunidades para la investigación antropológica: perspectivas desde el formalismo, sustantivismo y materialismo. Inx: La pesca y el mar: cambio sociocultural y económico = Arrantza eta itsasoa: aldaketa soziokulturala eta ekonomikoa = Le pêche et la mer: changement socioculturel et économique. Zainak. Cuadernos de Antropología-Etnografía (25). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 237-257. ISBN 84-8419-879-0 Official URL: AbstractFishing and its related activities are depicted as a field of action and opportunities for anthropologic research. It is a matter of studying the activity that appears to be the main activity for a given number of groups and communities, clearly rooted in certain social and cultural realities as a basis for the attainment of their material resources. In this regard three fundamental theoretica lconfigurations, the formalist, substantivist and materialistic configurations are analysed from a perspective that conjugates fishing anthropology and economic anthropology.
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