Botellón. Más allá de la investigación aplicadaCORTÉS, Georgina and GÓMEZ, Leonor and J. BAIGORRI, Artemio and MUÑOZ, Beatriz (2003) Botellón. Más allá de la investigación aplicada. Inx: Las culturas de la ciudad, 2. Zainak. Cuadernos de Antropología-Etnografía (24). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 873-886. ISBN 84-8419-878-2
Official URL: AbstractThe first part of the article defines drinking by the litre bottle ("botellón")as a social phenomenon, which is susceptible as such of being analysed and understood with the methodological means of Sociology. The second part describes the process of research and action carried out as from the beginning of 2001 through to mid 2002. And finally some basic data are provided on the characteristics that the mentions phenomenon presents in Extremadura.
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