Reproducciones simbólicas rurales en la ciudadOTAEGI GARCÍA, Kepa (2003) Reproducciones simbólicas rurales en la ciudad. Inx: Las culturas de la ciudad, 1. Zainak. Cuadernos de Antropología-Etnografía (23). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 415-430. ISBN 84-8419-913-4
Official URL: AbstractIn the relation between rural and urban world, most of the researches have been done mainly in only one way, that is to say, the kind of influence that urban culture has done in rural world. However, if we invert the point of view, we will realise how the rural world has an important presence in the urban quotidian life. In the Basque Country's case, we can observe how the large cities have include in their own reality different components of the rural world, developing a phenomenon of renascence and revival of different rituals, objects and rural symbols. The present work pretends to attend those kind of cultural practices that have been recovered and assimilated by the large cities. For it, the analysed place will be the Biscayan village of Galdakao, and the ritual practices observed will be Saint Agueda's day, the queens of may celebration's day, and Saint John's day.
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