La represión del contrabando en el Pirineo OccidentalPERALES DÍAZ, José A. (2003) La represión del contrabando en el Pirineo Occidental. Zainak. Cuadernos de Antropología-Etnografía (22). pp. 103-127. ISSN 1137-439X
Official URL: AbstractCivil guards and smugglers have traditionally been two opposing parts in a fiscal parody. The dichotomy between one part and the other expresses a conflicting relationship between the representatives of two cultures that are symbolically opposed to each other: that of the Basque cattle-raising communities in the Western Pyrinees and that of the representatives of the state. In this article we approach the complex duality of representations that outlines practice and repression of contraband in Navarre, by means of the information contained in the sanction proceedings against smuggling initiated by the Customs Office at Imarcoain, and the testimonies of some formers mugglers.
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