La colección de pintura del Palacio Colina de LanestosaPaliza Monduate, Maite (2000) La colección de pintura del Palacio Colina de Lanestosa. Inx: Arte Barrokoaren Berrikusketa = Revisión del Arte Barroco = Révision de l'Art Baroque. Ondare. Cuadernos de Artes Plásticas y Monumentales (19). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 507-517.
Official URL: AbstractThe so called Colina Palace is one of the most famous constructions of registered civil architecture in the baroque period. The author studies here a small part of the pictorial collection preserved in this building until the beginning of the 20th century, in which portraits and religious topics prevailed. Among the works of the baroque era, special mention is to be made of a Jacob by the Well, that is very close in style to Pedro de Orrente. Another magnificent portrait, signed by Bernardo López Piquer in 1831, is part of the linens that increased the collection over the following centuries. The importance of these two pictures, which, together with the rest of the works were still unpublished up to the present day, ratifies in itself the relevance this Lanestosan collection must have had in its heyday.
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