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Trayectoria del Ayuntamiento de Basauri en lo referente a su presencia en Internet

VALGAÑÓN ESNAL, Aitor (2005) Trayectoria del Ayuntamiento de Basauri en lo referente a su presencia en Internet. Mediatika. Cuadernos de Medios de Comunicación (11). pp. 61-64. ISSN 1988-3935

[img]Trayectoria del Ayuntamiento de Basauri en lo referente a su presencia en Internet - Requires a PDF viewer such as GSview, Xpdf or Adobe Acrobat Reader

Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/6203


In December 2002, the town council of Basauri launches the second version of the www.basauri.net website, with the intention to solve the problems detected in the version published in December 2000. The objectives pursued are: toopen a new channel between the Administration and the citizens, to concentrate and sort out the information, to create a technological culture and to rationalise resources. The project will be a boosting element for the modernisation of our management.

Item Type:Article
Additional Information: Continuación de Cuadernos de sección. Medios de Comunicación Mesa Redonda: La calidad administrativa en la experiencia municipal
Uncontrolled Keywords:Internet; Bizkaia; Basauri
Subjects:Political Science > Public opinion
ID Code:2633
Deposited On:03 Oct 2008 16:23
Last Modified:03 Oct 2008 19:10

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