Los orígenes de la modernidad en el arte vasco: Arte Vasco y compromiso políticoGONZÁLEZ DE DURANA ISUSI, Javier (2004) Los orígenes de la modernidad en el arte vasco: Arte Vasco y compromiso político. Inx: Revisión del Arte Vasco entre 1875-1939 = 1875-1939 bitarteko Euskal Artearen Berrikusketa = Revision de l'Art Basque entre 1875 et 1939. Ondare. Cuadernos de Artes Plásticas y Monumentales (23). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 15-34.
Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/5814 AbstractThe origins of artistic modernity in the Basque country were related with the industrial process that the region went through. In relation with this, the political ideologies that guided the work of the most representative for artists were decisive. From this combination between social enrichment and political struggle came the most representative plastic, architectural and literary works in the peculiar modern Basque process.
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