Periodismo científico y fotografía (funcional y artística)BILBAO FULLAONDO, Josu (2002) Periodismo científico y fotografía (funcional y artística). Inx: En torno al periodismo científico: aproximaciones = Zientzi kazetariren inguruan: zenbait iruzkin. Mediatika. Cuadernos de Medios de Comunicación (8). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 187-204. ISBN 84-8419-905-3
Official URL: AbstractIn scientific journalism, in practice, photography has a considerable capacity to capture and document reality. But its function goes over strictly informative and representative functions, thanks to its expressive possibilities. The treatment of the photographic image, as well as of drawings, can attain an artistic character that complements the informative dimensions of scientific journalism. The various modalities and resources of photography reinforce the projection of the writings and of the press.
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