Los retos del mundo agrarioUrrutikoetxea Lizarraga, Josetxo (1996) Los retos del mundo agrario. Inx: W. Von Humboldt: un puente entre dos pueblos. Hezkuntza, Hizkuntza, Euskal Herria. Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos = Nazioarteko Eusko Ikaskuntzen Aldizkaria = Revue Internationale des Etudes Basques (41). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 541-558.
Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/3734 AbstractThis paper tries to put forward from a ruralist point of view some factors which will help us to understand the critical period the Basque society was going through at the beginning of the XIXth century. As the old methods were exhausted Basque people face the challenge in different ways
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