Sociedad cableada e identidad culturalIbarretxe, Juan José (1997) Sociedad cableada e identidad cultural. Inx: XIV Congreso de Estudios Vascos, Informazioaren gizartea = Sociedad de la información = Société de l'information. Congresos de Estudios Vascos (14). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 23-29. ISBN 84-89516-62-6
Official URL: AbstractThe liberalization of the market of the telecommunications offers a wide assortment of possibilities to all those which may have been preparing for the huge challenge of the new model of communications. Clear examples of this trend are telephony and cable television, which have aroused immense expectations. The dissemination of cultural products, cyberwork, cyberpurchasing, etc. are now a reality. Some time ago, the Basque Government assumed a leadership role in investments and in developing future strategy within the telecommunications market. The birth of Euskaltel is proof of that will, which intends to adapt to a changing world without losing its own signs of identity, always by means of the desire to be an active agent in such a transformation.
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