Gaspar Ramos, escultor del taller de Sangüesa, entre el romanismo y el barrocoLabeaga Mendiola, Juan Cruz (1993) Gaspar Ramos, escultor del taller de Sangüesa, entre el romanismo y el barroco. Cuadernos de Sección. Artes Plásticas y Monumentales (11). pp. 93-160. ISSN 0212-3215
Official URL: AbstractThis is a work about Gaspar Ramos, one of the best and most prolific sculptors from the Sangüesa workshop (Navarra) who worked during the first half of the XVII century. It is divided into three chapters giving his biography, an analysis of his work and its cassification. He worked in thirty-three places, mainly in Merindad de Sangüesa, but also in Aragon and even in Guipuzcoa. A value unpublished document made it possible for a complete investigation to be carried out. In the seventeen documents were transcribed
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