Las nuevas relaciones entre los procesos artísticos, comunicativos y tecnológicos en la sociedad de la informaciónSarriugarte, Iñigo (1997) Las nuevas relaciones entre los procesos artísticos, comunicativos y tecnológicos en la sociedad de la información. Inx: XIV Congreso de Estudios Vascos, Informazioaren gizartea = Sociedad de la información = Société de l'information. Congresos de Estudios Vascos (14). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 307-313. ISBN 84-89516-62-6
Official URL: AbstractThe artistic world takes advantage of multimedia, hyperactive and reactive implantation, with the purpose of modifying the receiver's customary reading conditions. Thanks to these facilities, important relationships are generated between the human being, virtual reality, digital image and all the uses that bring about new mechanisms of communicative opportunities. Such a technological reality is gradually assuming the project of various Basque groups and artist. We also wish to emphasise the growing importance of the relationship between the new technologies and the cultural and artistic patrimony.
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