Recelo o aceptación. ¿Cuál es el futuro del uso de Internet en la Educación, los Medios de Comunicación, el Trabajo y los Servicios?Maxwell, Christine (1997) Recelo o aceptación. ¿Cuál es el futuro del uso de Internet en la Educación, los Medios de Comunicación, el Trabajo y los Servicios? Inx: XIV Congreso de Estudios Vascos, Informazioaren gizartea = Sociedad de la información = Société de l'information. Congresos de Estudios Vascos (14). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 3-6. ISBN 84-89516-62-6
Official URL: AbstractThe advent of the Internet and the World Wide Web has, in the matter of five years, made more information accesible to more individuals than at any other time in our history. Advances in data technology have overwhelmed individuals and corporations alike with information, driving the urgent need to develop new tools that can help people immediately find what they are looking for and for companies to be able to transfrom data and information into business advantage. In Education the textbook at all levels is inadequate to the immense task of being kept up to date. In services, the need for a "just in time" access and help desk direct answer function is what can give a business a real strategic advantage if they can effectively manage their inhouse knowledge bases. Work can be performed anywhere and at any time: the power of the individual in their place of work is returning. Mass media is taking full advantage of the new technologies - but what does that mean for the average person? To fear or to embrace? What is the Internet Society' s viewpoint? We live in a world of ever-increasing complexity. The Internet is an unparalleled knowledge acquisition tool for each one of us. Learning to take an interactive role in the future development of the Internet - no matter what we use the Internet for, will ensure that extraordinary advantages to each one of us.
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