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Contribución a la retablística y escultura del siglo XVIII en Guipúzcoa : nuevas obras de Ignacio de Ibero y Juan Bautista Mendizabal I

Cendoya Echániz, Ignacio (1995) Contribución a la retablística y escultura del siglo XVIII en Guipúzcoa : nuevas obras de Ignacio de Ibero y Juan Bautista Mendizabal I. Cuadernos de Sección. Artes Plásticas y Monumentales (14). pp. 147-161. ISSN 0212-3215

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In the present article, we find new works of Ignacio de Ibero and Juan Bautista Mendizábal I, two of the most well-known artists of the Baroque in Guipúzcoa. They both show a perfect assimiliation of the artistic currents of their time in their respective facets, being these architecture and sculpture. The works, which were done in Azpeitia and Azkoitia, are not specialy outstanding, but even though increase the catalogue of master-pieces and give a new example of quality

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Azpeitia; Ibero, Ignacio de; Arte; Gipuzkoa; Azkoitia
Subjects:Sciences of Arts and Letters > Fine arts theory, analysis and criticism
ID Code:1821
Deposited On:03 Oct 2008 15:55
Last Modified:03 Oct 2008 18:41

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