Análisis comparativo de la estatura, el peso y los pliegues de grasa subcutanea durante la adolescencia entre escolares urbanos y de montaña en León.Caro Dobon, Luis and Ruiz Sastre, Yolanda (1987) Análisis comparativo de la estatura, el peso y los pliegues de grasa subcutanea durante la adolescencia entre escolares urbanos y de montaña en León. Inx: Homenaje al Dr. José María Basabe. Cuadernos de Sección. Antropología-Etnografía (4). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 217-240. ISBN 84-86240-44-1 Official URL: AbstractWe analyse height, weight, arm circunference, triceps, subscapular and abdominal skinfold, total arm fat and muscle area. The sample includes 675 boys ages 12, 13, 14 and 15 coming form the town of León (N = 372) and from the mountainous area in the province of León (n = 303). During the growth of these boys what stands out in both populations is the decrease of the tricipital subcutaneous fat in contrast to an outstanding increase of the arm muscle and an increase of the abdominal and subscapular skinfold. Just as we would expect, the different environmental conditions existing in each population (nutrition, altitude, physical exercise, etc.) cause differences in the growth of the boys we have studied, which are showed mainly in the following aspects: a) There exists a delay in the prepubertal spurt in the highlanders. b) The most remarkable differences in growth between these two populations appear at the age of 13, in which urban boys living in the mountainous what stands out is the greatest subcutaneous fat deposit in the urban boys with regard to the rural highlanders.
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