El eclecticismo en la pintura alavesa de postguerra: Grupo "Pajarita"Arcediano Salazar, Santiago (1991) El eclecticismo en la pintura alavesa de postguerra: Grupo "Pajarita". Cuadernos de Sección. Artes Plásticas y Monumentales (8). pp. 265-313. ISSN 0212-3215
Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/2259 AbstractThe "Pajarita" group represents inside the Alava's painting of postwar the embodiment of a eclecticism to a half way between the figuration and the abstraction. This group supposes a colletive purpose of renovating the art of Alava looking for a greater liberty of expression into the figuration. It's time it is carried out the problem of a synthesis between a traditional art and a vanguard art. The fundamental aesthetic assumptions of the group are looked for in the "Escuela de Vallecas" and, above all, in the "Joven Escuela de Madrid". Members of "Pajarita" are part of a concrete generation of painters borned about 1920, with the same instruction, experience and ideas, so as a set of common interests and purposes. The landscape is the pictorial genre more cultivated. The used plastic language is stylistically assigned to the postimpressionism and
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