Sustrato romano y disposición gotizante : sobre los caracteres del gótico vascongadoArtamendi, Eduardo (1996) Sustrato romano y disposición gotizante : sobre los caracteres del gótico vascongado. Inx: Revisión del Arte Medieval en Euskal Herria = Erdi Aroko Artearen berrikusketa Euskal Herrian = Révision de l'Art Médiéval en Euskal Herria. Cuadernos de Sección. Artes Plásticas y Monumentales (15). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 199-203. ISBN 84-89516-06-5
Official URL: AbstractIt was in gothic time when the first civilised architecture became naturalised in the Low Basque Country. Showing urban will, commercial towns soon built ogival churches of hierarchized space. They offered the representation of a sophisticated idea about de spiritual world, as it was common in Europe contemporary. Grasped to old fears from tribal origin against social differentiation on the contrary, little towns and villages preferred simple temples, places slightly characterised and equalitarian. Minimun was the "gothic disposition" and maximun the adhering to post-Roman modes in the idea of space sketched in they
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